"Papa Meri Jaan" the latest song from the Ranbir Kapoor movie Animal, was revealed by the creators on Tuesday. Sung by Sonu Nigam, the song explores the emotional bond between the father-son characters played by Ranbir and Anil Kapoor. The lyrics are written by Raj Shekhar, and the music is composed by Harshvardhan Rameshwar.
The music video shows how Ranbir and Anil's characters interact in the movie. Anil seems to be a father who is not around much, while a young Ranbir looks up to and loves him. When Ranbir, along with Rashmika Mandanna's Geetanjali, tries to meet him, they have to wait outside his office. The video depicts their relationship at different points in time, eventually leading to Ranbir's character preparing to seek revenge for an attack on his father.
"Animal," directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, is produced by T-Series (Bhushan Kumar and Krishan Kumar), Cine1 Studios (Murad Khetani), and Bhadrakali Pictures (Pranay Reddy Vanga). The crime-drama is scheduled to hit theaters on December 1.
Ranbir Kapoor's Emotional Song 'Papa Meri Jaan' from 'Animal' Out Now