Thupparivaalan featuring Vishal in the titular role as an investigative spy has started its first schedule of shooting few weeks back at Chennai. The cast members were confirmed as Rakul Preet Singh as his lovelady along with actor Prasanna, Vinay Rai and veteran director Bhagyaraj in pivotal roles.
Now another interesting addition to the cast happens to be Akshara Haasan in an important role. The diva was turning down many acting offers including the one from Mani Ratnam owing to her passion in filmmaking. Gradually she made her acting debut in the Bollywood film Shamitabh following to which she signed Thala 57 for an action oriented role.
Vishal who is bankrolling Thupparivaalan under his home banner Vishal Film Factory shares that her role is an interesting one unfolding like in all Mysskin films and only she could handle it perfect. After the narration of the script, she was happy to be on board and the director also seems to have much conviction on her.
Actress Akshara Haasan