GV Prakash's upcoming film Adangathey has been undergoing the casting process and two days ago we confirmed the leading lady to be Surabhi. Now we hear another addition to the cast to be the Bollywood actress Mandira Bedi in a pivotal role. She was last seen in a small role in Simbu’s Manmadhan in 2004.
This movie will mark her comeback to Kollywood after a long gap of 12 years. The details of her role are not yet revealed. To be directed by debutant Shanmugam Muthusamy and produced by Sri Green Productions, the shooting will kickstart shortly in his year. GV is said to play a lost Muslim mechanic in Kasi while Surabhi will be seen as a cute and modern girl.
Besides them, the cast consists of Sarath Kumar in dual role whose characterisation is reported to be similar to have shades from Ajith’s role in Amarkalam. Sathyaraj is also rumoured to play a pivotal role along with them. Touted to be a revenge thriller, the supporting cast has Thambi Ramiah, Robo Shankar, RJ Blade Shankar, RJ Mirchi Vijay and Arun Raja Kamaraj.
Mandira Bedi