On Friday, Sushant Singh Rajput posted pictures on the social media suggesting that all was well with the progress of the shooting of Abhishek Kapoor’s Kedarnath and that a new schedule of the film is being planned. However, sources close to the project and the developments regarding the on-going tussle between the director and his producers KriArj Entertainment, dismiss these attempts to paint a gung-ho picture to cover the truth. “The dispute between Abhishek Kapoor and his producers is now in the courts. He can’t start a new schedule until all the legal matters are sorted and the producers give him the green signal,” says a source close to the development.
The source also adds that Sushant’s peace-messages are prompted by the director. “Gattu (director Abhishek Kapoor) was seriously at loggerheads with Sushant over the way Kedarnath was being shot. He has now patched up with Sushant to strengthen his case against the producers. But the producers KriArj are determined to fight this battle all the way to justice,” says the source. Sources say the battle over Kedarnath is far from over. Watch out for further developments.
Sushant Singh’s all-is-well tweet on Kedarnath is an eyewash