Thenandal Studios Limited next big production is Sangamithra directed by Sundar C featuring Arya, Jayam Ravi in lead roles. The movie’s title character Sangamithra was first said to be rendered by Sruthi Hassan, but for various reasons Sruthi Hassan was dropped out of the project and later Hanshika was said to play the Sangamithra character. She was also later called off.
There were various speculations and many names came into the pool, after so much chaos they have decided who is going to be Sangamithra.
Disha Patani who was the lead female role in M S Dhoni: The untold story and she has also acted in few other Hindi and Telugu movies. Now, Disha patani will be introduced in Tamil Cinema by featuring her in Sangamithra. Hema Rukkmani of Thenandal Studios Limited has officially announced in her twitter handle.
The movie is believed to go on the floor very soon. The music of the movie is scored by AR Rahman.
MS Dhoni heroine in Tamil movie Sangamithra