Director – Actor Samuthirakani is back after his splendid performance in ‘Appa’. Samuthirakani has written and directed ‘Thondan’ with Vikranth and Sunaina in lead roles. Samuthirakani will be seen in a crucial role in this film along with Thambi Ramaiah, Soori & Namo Narayana.
This Action – Drama plot revolves around people who provide service to the society in spite of the problem they face in their lives. These people are content with their life even though they are paid with less salary. Justin Prabhakaran has composed music for the film. Richard M Nathan has handled cinematography while editing is done by A L Ramesh. R Manikandan of ‘Vasundara Cine Films’ has produced this film.
The audio launch and release date of the film was announced. ‘Thondan’ audio will be released on April 9 and the film is expected for a release during first week of May.
Stay tuned to WoodsDeck for more exciting updates on Samuthirakani’s ‘Thondan’.
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