On Sunday, Venkat Prabhu shared exciting news! He revealed that he will be supporting Ananth, known for his work in Meesaya Murukku, in his first-ever directorial venture called "Nanban Oruvan Vandha Piragu" (NOVP). Ananth has written, directed, and will also act in the film. The movie will also star Bhavani Sre, RJ Vijay, and Monica in important roles.
Ananth gained recognition for his role as Aadhi's brother in Meesaya Murukku. Now, he is all set to make his directorial debut with "Nanban Oruvan Vandha Piragu" (NOVP), which is being praised as a special gift from Venkat Prabhu and a project close to Ananth's heart. The film is a friendship-based drama and is jointly produced by Masala Popcorn Productions and White Feather Studios.
In "Nanban Oruvan Vandha Piragu" (NOVP), you will see supporting roles played by Kumaravel, who is known for CWC fame, Bala, Wilspat, Irfan, Sabarish, and RJ Aanandhi. The music for the film is being composed by AH Kaashif, known for his work in Kaatrin Mozhi.
The crew details and release date for the movie have not been announced by the makers yet.
Venkat Prabhu Presents Nanban Oruvan Vandha Piragu, A New Film