Ithu En Kathal Puthakam
(Tamil movie)

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  • Language: Tamil
  • Censored: -
  • Release Date: (2020)
  • Runtime: - min
  • Genres: Drama
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Ithu En Kathal Puthakam is a 2020 Indian Tamil Drama movie. The cast and crew of Ithu En Kathal Puthakam includes Anjitha Sree (Actor), Jai Jacob (Actor), Col Mohandas (Actor), Kulappulli Leela (Actor), Rajesh Raj (Actor), Suraj (Actor), Madhu G Kamalam (Director), MS Sreemadhav (Music Composer), Biju J Vargese (Music Composer) .

A drama film directed by Madhu G Kamalam.

Name Credited Role
Actor Anjitha Sree in Ithu En Kathal Puthakam, Actor Anjitha Sree photos, videos in Ithu En Kathal Puthakam Anjitha Sree
Actor Jai Jacob in Ithu En Kathal Puthakam, Actor Jai Jacob photos, videos in Ithu En Kathal Puthakam Jai Jacob
Actor Col Mohandas in Ithu En Kathal Puthakam, Actor Col Mohandas photos, videos in Ithu En Kathal Puthakam Col Mohandas
Actor Kulappulli Leela in Ithu En Kathal Puthakam, Actor Kulappulli Leela photos, videos in Ithu En Kathal Puthakam Kulappulli Leela
Actor Rajesh Raj in Ithu En Kathal Puthakam, Actor Rajesh Raj photos, videos in Ithu En Kathal Puthakam Rajesh Raj
Actor Suraj in Ithu En Kathal Puthakam, Actor Suraj photos, videos in Ithu En Kathal Puthakam Suraj
Director Madhu G Kamalam in Ithu En Kathal Puthakam, Director Madhu G Kamalam photos, videos in Ithu En Kathal Puthakam Madhu G Kamalam
Music Composer MS Sreemadhav in Ithu En Kathal Puthakam, Music Composer MS Sreemadhav photos, videos in Ithu En Kathal Puthakam MS Sreemadhav
Music Composer
Music Composer Biju J Vargese in Ithu En Kathal Puthakam, Music Composer Biju J Vargese photos, videos in Ithu En Kathal Puthakam Biju J Vargese
Music Composer