The much expected Prabhu Deva’s multi-starer Karuppu Raja Vellai Raja has been shelved! Sources say that the shoot of the film ended abruptly for unknown reasons and Prabhu Deva is not in a mood to revive the project anytime soon. Indirectly confirming the news, Vishal is planning to commence Sandakozhi 2 in August and thus, the actor will not be shooting for Karuppu Raja Vellai Raja. The film was launched recently in Chennai with an auspicious pooja event and Prabhu Deva went to London with Harris Jayaraj for song composition.
Sources say that Prabhu Deva is now trying to convince the film’s producer Isari Ganesh, his good friend that he is ready to direct solo films with Vishal and Karthi but nothing has been officially confirmed yet.
Karuppu Raja Vellai Raja