Actor Hrithik Roshan is all set to team up with director Kabir Khan. Hrithik is happy with the success of his previous film ‘Kaabil’ and he will work in this next action-romance flick. Kabir Khan is currently busy with Salman Khan’s film ‘Tube Light’. He will start shooting with Hrithik after completing his work.
Looks like Hrithik liked the script and immediately accepted to do this film. Hrithik has postponed filming for ‘Krishh 4’. He will resume his filming for Krishh sequel after completing this film with Kabir Khan. Hrithik Roshan might also be a part of ‘Agneepath’ director Karan Malhotra’s next film.
An official announcement is expected from the team. Follow WoodsDeck to keep you updated with exciting updates.
Hrithik Roshan
Kabir Khan