On Thursday, the creators of Bharatanatyam revealed that their movie will be released in theaters on April 5th. Bharatanatyam marks the debut of Surya Teja Aelay, son of publicity designer Dhani Aelay. Surya will portray the character of an aspiring filmmaker in this crime comedy.
Bharatanatyam also features Meenakshi Goswami, Viva Harsha, Harshavardhan, Ajay Ghosh, Salim Pheku, Gangavva, Krishnudu, Temper Vamshi, Naga Mahesh, Tarzan, Manik Reddy, Shivannarayana, Santana, and Santosh Balakrishna.
The screenplay is written by Surya Teja Aelay himself, who collaborated with the director KVR Mahendra. Vivek Sagar composed the music, Venkat R Shakamuri handled cinematography, Raviteja Girijala edited the film, and Suresh Bhimagani managed the production design.
Bharatanatyam Release Date Announced