Exciting news as the team behind Angaaragan, featuring actor Sathyaraj, shared that the film has successfully obtained a U/A certificate after completing the necessary censorship formalities. Along with this announcement, the makers also revealed that the film will be hitting the theatres in the near future. Anticipation builds as fans eagerly await the release of Angaaragan.
Directed by Mohan Dachu, Angaaragan boasts an impressive cast that includes Sathyaraj and Sreepathy in pivotal roles. Jomon Philip and Geena Jomon produce the film under the banner of Julien and Jeroma. Completing the ensemble, the movie also features Niya, Reina Karad, Angaditheeru Mahesh, and Appu Kutty, who add depth and talent to the diverse cast of Angaaragan.
The film Angaaragan features the creative talents of Ku Karthik, who takes charge of both lyrics and music. Sreepathy has contributed to the screenplay and creative direction, while Mohan Dachu showcases his expertise in cinematography. Adding depth to the narrative, the dialogues are penned by Karundhel Rajesh, and the editing is skillfully executed by Valar Pandi. Together, this team brings their unique skills and vision to enhance the overall cinematic experience of Angaaragan.
Sathyaraj's Angaaragan Successfully completes censorship formalities