Kulasamy, starring actor Vimal in the lead role, was scheduled to release today but has been postponed to May 5. The film, which was announced in 2020, was delayed due to the lockdowns. Along with Vemal, the movie also features Bose Venkat, Vinothini, Mahanadhi Shankar, and police officer SR Jankid in significant roles.
Kulasamy, directed by Sharavana Sakthi, features music by Mahalingam, editing by Gopi Krishnan, and cinematography by Ravi Chandran, as per reports. Vimal, who was last seen in Deiva Machan, has several upcoming projects in different stages of production, including Enga Pattan Sothu, Manjal Kudai, and Thudikkum Karangal.
Vimal’s ‘Kulasamy’ is all set to release on May 5